【明報專訊】「 Males are peacocks and females are peahens! 」 DOWN 1. Peacock's feathers look shiny because the fibres have a structure similar to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (水晶), which can reflect different colours of light. 2. Peafowls are omnivorous(雜食性的). They eat flower petals, seeds, insects and small _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (爬蟲類) like lizards. ACROSS 3. About 500 green peafowls live in the _ _ _ _ _ _ (雲南) province of China. However, their habitat is threatened by illegal mining. It raises concerns among environmentalists. 4. The peafowl is the national bird of _ _ _ _ _ (印度). The bird symbolises elegance, pride and beauty and appears in many of the country's folk tales and myths. (Answers on next text) ■Glossary mining (n) 採礦 elegance (n) 優雅 myth (n) 神話 [Smarties' Power English 第196期]