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(Mission 3)(明報製圖)

Art and culture﹕Dance


 Mission﹕Stand firm against smoking

【明報專訊】The Smarties have no choice but to retreat as soon as they step into the restaurant. They are stunned to find people smoking there!

“ Eason: 4 people? That way! ”

“ Dr Panda: No, we're leaving! ”

“ Pat: What a shame! I have been looking forward to dining at this restaurant. ”

“ Bill: I agree, but the smell's really choking! ”

“ MoMo: It's ridiculous. Smoking was banned in all restaurants in 2007, but people still violate the law! I'm going to complain to the Tobacco Control Office (控煙辦公室)! ”

Bill: How does smoking affect our health?

Dr Panda: More than 5 million people die because of smoking every year. Numerous scientific studies show smoking is the main cause of the deadliest forms of cancer like lung cancer and stomach cancer. In fact, a cigarette contains at least 50 chemicals that may cause cancer. Moreover, smoking increases the risk of getting heart and respiratory diseases.

MoMo: Why is it difficult to quit smoking?

Dr Panda: Tobacco consists of a substance called Nicotine (尼古丁), which is the main cause of addiction to cigarettes. When smokers try to stop smoking, they will feel depressed and dizzy. In addition, smokers tend to overestimate themselves and believe they can quit smoking easily. However, Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances. People develop a reliance on it soon after they have started smoking.

Pat: What are the other impacts of smoking?

Dr Panda: Smoking affects people around you. Passive smoking does as much harm as active smoking. Children are especially vulnerable to its harmful effects.

■ Mission 1

There are four cigarette butts in the restaurant. Please find them out.

■ Mission 2

Have you heard of World No Tobacco Day (世界無煙日)? Do you know what its aim is? Let's learn more about it by filling in the blanks with correct prepositions.

World No Tobacco Day was created 1. _____ 1987 by the member states 2. _____ the World Health Organisation (世界衛生組織). The day is observed annually 3. _____ 31 May. Smokers around the world are encouraged to refrain 4. _____ smoking for 24 hours. It is thought this may give those who want to quit smoking an opportunity to do so. It is also aimed 5. _____ drawing people's attention to the harm of smoking.

■ Mission 3

In Hong Kong, the Council on Smoking and Health (香港吸煙與健康委員會) is the main organisation that aims at raising public awareness of tobacco hazards and helps smokers to quit smoking. Part of its logo is missing. Can you find the missing part? (see the picture)

(answers on next text)

■ Key words

cigarette 香煙

addiction 癮

passive smoking 吸二手煙

cigarette butt 煙蒂

■ English highway﹕-words and collocations

look forward to

If you look forward to something that is going to happen, you are excited and pleased about it. Remember, "look forward to" must be followed by a noun or a noun equivalent like a gerund.

e.g. He really looks forward to the weekend.

e.g. I look forward to hearing from you.

■ Glossary

retreat (v) 撤退

choking (adj) 令人窒息的

violate (v) 違反

deadly (adj) 致命的

respiratory (adj) 呼吸的

overestimate (v) 高估

reliance (n) 依賴

vulnerable (adj) 易受傷害的

Mission﹕Stand firm against smoking
Answers, Mission 1



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