【明報專訊】The golden headband worn by the Monkey King reminds him of his limits. So does the ones put on by some primary school students in China. As claimed by BrainCo Inc., a US developer, their powerful headbands help students get the upper hand (佔優勢) in learning. More importantly, it assists teachers in monitoring students' attention spans. The system receives signals from one's brain and turns them into a score, which will then be reviewed by teachers and parents.
◆(P2)News feed:The castle in the fire / Summit / A heightened risk of flooding
◆(P3)Comic:When old stories go viral...
◆(P4)Horizon:Indigenous animals
◆(P5)Grammar:Conditionals type 2 and 3
◆(P6)Story:My dad is a plumber!
◆(P7)Readers' corner:My dream job
■Today's Ming Pao News from Hong Kong, China and the world:bit.ly/34e4MjBValid for 30 days
[Smarties' Power English 第260期]