• 2023.12.11

英譯概念:Plant-based meat

[2023.12.11] 發表
Plant-based chickens are made from peanut protein to create a chicken-like texture.

【明報專訊】News summary

In recent years, environmentalists have been promoting plant-based meat made from protein from plants as a substitute for meat products. Some have recommended consuming plant-based milk. This is because the keeping of cattle produces large amounts of carbon emissions. Furthermore, plant-based milk is more suitable for Asians who are prone to lactose intolerance.

According to a study released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 2021, the global food system accounts for more than one-third of global man-made greenhouse gas emissions. In 2019, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a report, stating that if countries do not take rapid and thorough measures to change land use, efforts to curb global warming will be undermined, and this will endanger global food security. The IPCC said that if meat consumption reduces, less land can be used to provide food for more people.

In the IPCC report, it is mentioned that the food production process contributes to global warming. For example, cattle and sheep in the livestock industry emit large amounts of methane, and some food producers expand their pastures through deforestation. At the same time, climate change also threatens food supply security. Rising temperatures, increased rainfall and extreme weather affect agriculture and animal husbandry.

Mock examination question

With the help of the source and your own knowledge, explain two benefits of more robust promotion of reducing meat consumption or switching to plant-based meat products.

Suggested answer

(1) Reduce carbon emissions

According to the source, animal husbandry requires large amounts of land and water and emits greenhouse gases. The United Nations said that if meat consumption reduces, less land can be used to provide food for more people.

With the global shortage of land and water resources, plant-based meat mainly made of plant protein can address part of the demand for meat and alleviate the food crisis. More robust promotion of reducing meat consumption or switching to plant-based meat can reduce carbon emissions caused by animal husbandry at the source and alleviate its negative impacts such as aggravating global warming and threatening food supply security. This will help improve the quality of life of citizens.

(2) Improve citizens’ health

Meat provides calories, fat and protein. Excessive consumption of meat may lead to obesity. Epidemiology also shows that greater amounts of red meat (such as pork, beef, and sheep) consumption increase the risk of cancer. Red meat has been classified as a "Class 2A carcinogen" by the World Health Organization. The promotion of eating less meat or switching to plant-based meat products will help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve public health.


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