【明報專訊】MoMo misses her friend Susan, who lives abroad. She has written her a letter. When one writes to one's friend, one uses an informal style. An informal letter's wording is different from a formal letter's. It is easier to say in a letter what one finds it hard to say to another's face. And it is good to keep in touch with friends who live in faraway places by writing to them.
◆Example (see the picture)
Sender's address
(Hidden - where the Smarties live is a secret!)
18 May 2016 (Date)
Dear Susan,
How are you doing? I can't believe it has already been a year since we met last. How are you lately? Do you still go kayaking every week?
I miss the time we were kayaking around Rainbow Island. I have met new friends at the kayaking club in my hometown. I hope you still enjoy the sport, and I can't wait to see you again.
■English highway: -sentences
opening sentences in informal letters
The opening sentence of an informal letter is different from that of a business letter. It should be casual rather than formal. Examples are ''I hope you are doing well.'' and ''How's life treating you?''