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(Photo story)
The book won the Esther Glen Medal, a renowned literary prize for the best children's book in New Zealand, in 1947.

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 News Corner﹕Overdue book returned 67 years later

【明報專訊】A woman returned a book she borrowed in December, 1948 to a community library in Auckland, New Zealand (新西蘭奧克蘭) last month. The book, which was due back 67 years ago, accumulated a fine of NZ$24,605 (approx. HK$130,000). Nevertheless, she did not have to pay the fine because she was a child when she borrowed the book and children were not charged late fines at the library.

Zoe Cornelius, the librarian, recalled the moment when the old borrower handed her the book. ''She seemed a bit embarrassed but I was pleased because she said she had read and enjoyed the book many times over the decades and that made me happy - that the book had been in a good home and loved,'' she said.

The book is Myths and Legends of Maoriland by A W Reed, which was published in 1946. It is about the myths of Maori (毛利), a term which refers to the natives of New Zealand and the language they use. The returned book will have its condition examined, and Cornelius said that it would probably go to the library's special collections section.

(sources: Ming Pao, The Guardian, Epsom Community Library Facebook Page)

“ MoMo: You haven't checked that book out! ”

■Photo story

On 28 April, 2016, a woman returned a book that was due back on 17 December, 1948 to a library in Auckland.

The book won the Esther Glen Medal, a renowned literary prize for the best children's book in New Zealand, in 1947.


myth 傳說


Choose the correct answers.

(answers on next text)

1. Which of the following statement is false?

a. The woman did not return a book for 67 years.

b. A W Reed wrote Myths and Legends of Maoriland.

c. The woman was asked to pay NZ$24,605 back to the Epsom Community library.

2. According to paragraph two, how did Zoe Cornelius feel when she received the book from the woman?

a. furious

b. embarrassed

c. glad

3. Which of the following sentences from the passage implies that the book was taken good care of?

a. ...she was a child when she borrowed the book...

b. ...the book had been in a good home and loved, ...

c. The returned book will have its condition examined, ...

4. Which of the following words can replace ''renowned'' in Photo Story?

a. famed

b. unusual

c. eye-catching


accumulate (v) 積累

pleased (adj) 高興的

native (n) 原住民

literary (adj) 文學的

News Corner﹕Overdue book returned 67 years later
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