【明報專訊】1. In the early 1900s, New Zealanders (新西蘭人) called the kiwifruit the Chinese gooseberry because they thought it had a gooseberry ___________. 2. __________ (加州) accounts for around 98% of the kiwifruits grown in the US. 3. Kiwifruits are _________ to China. Kiwifruit seeds were brought from China to New Zealand in 1904 by a college principal. 4. The kiwifruit is named after the kiwi, New Zealand's unofficial national bird, because of its _________. It has a fuzzy, brown skin. 5. Over 400 varieties of kiwifruits ________ in China. 6. Kiwifruits have a higher ________ C content than oranges. (answers on next text) ■Glossary fuzzy (adj) 毛茸茸的