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Express﹕The Jaws of death
Activity﹕Easter colouring competition


 Story﹕Keith and the little boy

【明報專訊】Keith had a quick flip through the diary and his eyes finally alighted on a page. He had found the diary while he was tidying up his room. It was dotted with some faint yellowish tinges. When he was still a child, he lived in a tenement building (唐樓) and wrote a diary entry per day. Then he worked for an animal charity but started forgetting why he had joined the organisation.

Let's take a look at some of the entries!

21 March  Cloudy

Today I saw a strange two- or three-year-old boy. I saw him right after I opened the window. He avoided eye contact with me but his gaze (凝視) drifted around our canopy. Suddenly he acted like a naughty cat. What's wrong with him? I didn't give much thought on it and just went out to play basketball.

22 March  Thunderstorm

Owing to the extremely bad weather, I stayed at home today. Oh it's so creepy! I felt that he's still peeping (偷看) through the window into my home! It was raining all day and he still stood near the window. I did hear some noise. But there's nothing special about it compared with the boy.

23 March  Sunny

In the morning, I was woken up by some meows. As usual, I opened the curtain and that little fellow screamed once he saw me. But he suddenly disappeared. Afterwards I saw him wandering on the street. I felt curious and went down, following him to his building. Curious, I went inside his unit. Only by looking from his room could I see a cat laying on my canopy. It seems some gangsters had scared the cat to climb all the way up there.

Keith called the police and the cat was fine. Thanks to the little boy, Keith was determined to become an animal rescuer afterwards.

■Food for thought

There are touching moments that make our life meaningful and decide what we want to do. What do you want to do when you grow up? What has inspired you to think that way?


flip (n) 翻動

alight on (v phr) 無意中發覺

tinge (n) 一小點

canopy (n) 簷篷

[Smarties' Power English 第245期]

Story﹕Keith and the little boy



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