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 Mission¡RLight painting

¡i©ú³ø±M°T¡jEason has used a torch as a new "weapon" to fight with the Smarties. He has made Pat and MoMo look evil with light painting. Do you think his idea will work?

Light painting means "painting with light". You can use a torch or any other light source to paint something and record it with a camera. Light painting is gaining in popularity partly because advanced cameras and portable light sources are readily available. People are keen on sharing their light painting images online with their friends.

Dark places are good for light painting. Many like to do it on a beach or in a park at night. You should wear dark clothes when you do light painting.


Eason has to draw the mirror image of a piece of his light painting so that the words in it will appear correct. How should he draw to create the light painting image on the left?

(answer on next text)

¡½NEW Vocab Cards¡RCollect them all!

glow stick (n) º·¥ú´Î

digital single-lens reflex camera (n) ¼Æ½X³æÃè¤Ï¥ú¬Û¾÷

glassine (n) ¬Á¼þ¯È

illuminated (adj) µo¥úªº


light source (n) ¥ú·½

popularity (n) ¬y¦æ

portable (adj) «KÄ⪺

mirror image (n) Ãè¹³


¡nMission¡RLight painting

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