©ú³ø·s»Dºô®ü¥~ª©-¥[¦èª©(·Å­ôµØ) - Canada Vancouver Chinese Newspaper
EOC chairperson Dr York Chow Yat-ngok

¡n©ñ²´¥@¬É¡RMixed cultures in beautiful city


 Various Stakeholders' Responses

¡i©ú³ø±M°T¡jFrom an education point of view

The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong (¤pµ£¸s¯q·|)

Criticised for co-organising Pink Dot Hong Kong (¤@ÂI¯»¬õ), an event organised by the BigLove Alliance (a non-profit organisation for the promotion of equality of LGBTs and their liberation from all forms of discrimination), the Association explained that teenagers should look at different sexual orientations positively and understand that homosexuality is a sexual orientation rather than a disorder. A spokesperson for it has pointed out that parents should not avoid discussing such matters with their children, given that technology allows them to get hold of information.

Equal opportunities & human rights

Equal Opportunities Commission (¥­¾÷·|)

EOC chairperson Dr York Chow Yat-ngok (¥­¾÷·|¥D®u©P¤@À®) says that gays do not harm others, there should be legislation protecting them against discrimination, and their dignity and rights should be guaranteed. He has stressed that legislation against discrimination against gays would guarantee gays equal opportunities rather than give them any advantage.

Religious point of view

The Pope

Pope Francis (±Ð©v¤èÀÙ¦U) holds a more open attitude towards homosexuality than his predecessors. He has said in an interview, ''If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge him?'' The Pope has emphasised that, according to the Bible, gay acts are criminal, but the homosexual orientation is not. He said no homosexual people should be discriminated against and they should be part of society.

Christian church

The Church is against making anti-discrimination laws. Jayson Tam (ÃÓ¤lµÏ), Division Head at the EFCC Yanfook Church (¤¤°ê°ò·þ±Ð¼½¹D·|®¦ºÖ°ó), has said God does not favour homosexual relationships. He has also said he respect people who choose to live homosexual life, but such people should not continue to attend church and should not ask the Church to accept their behaviour.

Family structure

Family Value Foundation

of Hong Kong (ºûÅ@®a®x°òª÷)

The foundation advocates that a family should be based on a male (father) and a female (mother). It has launched an ''I Love Parents, I Love Family'' campaign. It held a family parade on May 18, which it claimed 25,000 citizens had joined. A participant said homosexual marriage would destroy the traditional family system.

The Society for Truth and Light (©ú¥úªÀ)

A spokesperson for it has said homosexual people have now equal right to education, health care, social welfare, the freedom of speech and political participation and it is clear from what has happened in other places that, if legislation against discrimination against homosexuality is adopted, homosexual marriage will soon be legalised. The Society has pointed out that it is not only a matter of human rights, but a change of society's views on marriage and family.

¡n«ù¥÷ªÌ¡RHomosexual rights in HK
¡nVarious Stakeholders' Responses

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