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Comic﹕''Winter is coming''
Answers, Comic
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Answers, Brain teaser


 Grammar﹕Phrasal verbs as nouns

【明報專訊】Pat noticed some changes on her face and she's worried. She asked Dr Panda for advice.

Pat: Help, Dr Panda! The singing contest is just one week away but I have got strangely sick!

Dr Panda: Calm down, Pat. You look fine to me. What's up?

Pat: Look at my face! These small pimples mushroomed all over my chin last night and they are itchy!

Dr Panda: Don't worry, you're growing up and pimples are common during puberty. Put some ointment and you will recover. (1) Workouts such as jogging and stretching are also good for relieving your stress.

Pat: How about my voice? It suddenly gets squeaky and the song I chose was in a different key.

Dr Panda: Your voice cracks when you're nervous. Maybe you can try another song. (2) I'll help you choose one for backup.

Some nouns are formed with phrasal verbs. The two words become one word or linked with a hyphen when they become a noun.

e.g. Check-out time of the hotel is 12:00pm and don't be late.

◆Now you try

Choose the right noun for the following sentences.

1. My mom was sick today and she could not cook, so we ordered a ( takeout / takeaway ) for dinner.

2. John is playing a clown in the school drama and he's now putting on ( makeup / makeover ).

3. The weather is getting cool. Bring a ( pullover / pull-up ) with you.

4. There are many ( close-ins / close-ups ) of the lead actress.

(Answers on next text)


mushroom (v) 大量冒出

puberty (n) 青春期

ointment (n) 藥膏

squeaky (adj) 尖銳的

[Smarties' Power English 第250期]

Grammar﹕Phrasal verbs as nouns
Answers, Grammar



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