Comic﹕Don't give up!

[2016.01.27] 發表

【明報專訊】It is only a month into 2016, but Pat and Bill are thinking of giving up the duties they have as Smarties. Are they really withdrawing from the team?

“ Pat: Alas, we have been fighting Eason all these years. I'm beginning to feel tired. ”

“ Bill: Me too. It is quite wearisome to fight a person for a long time. ”

“ MoMo: Let's go out and have a walk. You guys need some fresh air. ”

“ Eason: I will teach you English for "three"! ”

“ Bill: I've spotted the word "tutorial" is misspelled. You are Eason! ”

“ Bill: I can't tolerate Eason spreading wrong English everywhere. ”

“ Pat & MoMo: Let's go on with our mission together! ”

■English highway: -tense

Present perfect continuous tense

has/have+been+present participle

We use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about an action that began in the past and is still continuing or has only just finished.

e.g. Peter has been waiting for an hour but Mary has not turned up yet.

e.g. I have been thinking about your suggestions.


Complete the following sentences with the words given in brackets.

(answers on next text)

1. Tony is very busy. He _____________ (work) all day long.

2. The boys are naughty and they ____________ (play) since the lesson began.

3. It's already two o'clock in the afternoon. How long _____ you __________ (sleep)?


withdraw (v) 退出

wearisome (adj) 令人厭倦的

tutorial (n) 輔導課

tolerate (v) 容許

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