• 2024.02.28

Comic:Exploring light

[2024.02.28] 發表

【明報專訊】This is a bright, breezy day which is perfect for a picnic.

Eason: ”Time to stir up some trouble! ”

Eason: ”Fear me, Smarties! I'm the Shadow Monster, here to ruin your picnic! ”

MO MO: ”Is that... Eason? ”

Bill: ”Nice try, but we're not scared of shadows at all. ”

Eason: ”Why are they unimpressed? ”

Pat: ”Eason, what are you up to? ”

Eason: ”I was just trying to entertain you all with a shadow show! Guess I'll have to come up with something even better next time! ”

◆Know more

Shadows are dark shapes that form when something blocks light from a bright source, such as the sun or a lamp. When our bodies block the sunlight, shadows are cast on the ground behind us. Shadows appear opposite to the direction of the light source, demonstrating one of the fundamental characteristics of light: it travels in straight lines, like the beam from a flashlight.

Light has other features. It can bounce off surfaces, a phenomenon known as reflection (反射). For example, when we look in a mirror, we see ourselves because light bounces off us, reflects off the mirror, and then returns to our eyes. Additionally, when light moves from one substance to another, such as from air to water, it can bend. This is called refraction (折射). Therefore, when we put a straw in a glass of water, it appears bent. Glasses also utilise refraction to help people see better.

■English highway﹕To stir smth. up

''To stir something up'' is a phrasal verb which means to provoke a reaction or feeling. It is often associated with negative emotions or problems.

E.g. The mischievous boy always stirs up troubles.


unimpressed (adj) 不感興趣的

cast (v) 投射

demonstrate (v) 顯示

bounce (v) 反射

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[Smarties' Power English 第402期]

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