Talk of the town:Reform of General Studies

[2023.12.13] 發表
Students apply the knowledge learnt in Science lessons and build their own bridge.

【明報專訊】In the 2023 Policy Address, Chief Executive John Lee announced that he will strengthen STEAM education in primary and secondary schools. Specifically, the General Studies subject in primary school will be gradually split into two independent subjects, namely "Science" and

"Humanities", starting from the 2025/26 academic year. The curriculum of Humanities will be mainly based on the framework of the existing General Studies, while more elements of Chinese cultural education will be included.

What is STEAM Education?

STEAM education is an approach to learning that integrates science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. The acronym "STEAM" expands upon the earlier concept of STEM education, in which art education was excluded. By incorporating arts into the mix, STEAM education recognizes the importance of creativity and design thinking in the fields of science and technology.

What's new in the future science subjects?

The government has released the curriculum framework for science subjects in primary schools recently. There are four categories under the curriculum: (1) Life and Environment;

(2) Matter, Energy and Change;

(3) Earth and Space; and (4) Science, Technology, Engineering and Society.

One of the aims of the new science subjects is to follow the strategy of "invigorating the nation through science and education" in China. By making good use of science, technology and engineering, students can benefit our society and enable them to contribute to the nation in the future.

A special feature of the subject is the addition of some new elements into primary education, such as the concepts of national aerospace and innovation, sustainable development and earth science. Students can design and produce engineering models or products, and apply what they have learnt to solve practical problems and cultivate basic engineering thinking.

■Grammar Booster


"Specifically" is an adverb, which is to emphasize that something is given special attention.

E.g. Specifically, we want to know to what degree education leads to future success.


Match the scientists with their scientific works.(見附圖)

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[Smarties' Power English 第394期]

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