Game:Game 1 - Riddles

[2023.12.13] 發表

【明報專訊】The Smarties are solving some brain teasers related to animals together. You can also join this fun challenge by putting your thinking cap on!

1. Why do cats make outstanding warriors?


2. My name has five letters. It goes from Z to A. What is my name?


3. When do cats and dogs fall from the sky?


Game 2 - Word Sudoku

Bill's wallet vanished when he was paying a visit to the farm, and he saw a word Sudoku note card! The sentence "Your wallet is now in a __________" is written on the card. Can you help him complete the Sudoku so that he can get his wallet back as promptly as he can?

The answer is on the fifth row, and the rules are the same as typical Sudoku puzzles:

1. Each letter can only appear once in each vertical column.

2. Each letter can only appear once in each horizontal row.

3. Each letter can only appear once in each 3x3 block.


put one's thinking cap on (idiom)


warrior (n)


vanish (v)


promptly (adv)


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[Smarties' Power English 第394期]


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