• 2021.12.08


[2021.12.08] 發表

【明報專訊】寧為玉碎 → 不作瓦全

大難不死 → 必有後福

生死有命 → 富貴由天

人往高處爬 → 水往低處流

少壯不努力 → 老大徒傷悲

良藥苦口利於病 → 忠言逆耳利於行

人不可貌相 → 水不可斗量

一寸光陰一寸金 → 寸金難買寸光陰

山重水複疑無路 → 柳暗花明又一村

路遙知馬力 → 日久見人心

[語文同樂 第544期]

Talk of the town:Driverless cars
【明報專訊】Two driverless cars are now patrolling the area around the South... 詳情
Talk of the town:Autonomous cars
【明報專訊】The Airport Authority (AA) introduced unmanned patrol vehicles i... 詳情
【明報專訊】■ Gear up 1. False 2. False ■ Game (A) windscreen ... 詳情
Story:The spirits inside the wall (2)
【明報專訊】So it was true! There were indeed spirits inside the wall genera... 詳情
【明報專訊】■ GAME 1 The Smarties decided to talk about their real emotio... 詳情

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