• 2021.12.08

Story:The spirits inside the wall (2)

[2021.12.08] 發表

【明報專訊】So it was true! There were indeed spirits inside the wall generating electricity. These spirits looked like normal lizards except that they were red and light-emitting, although it was not known to Simon how exactly they made our electrical appliances up and running. Obviously, this very lizard in Simon's room was a pretty young one and was not very certain about the electricity generation mechanism.

The next day, Simon went to school, but he simply could not get the red lizard off his mind. From the history lesson in the morning to the lunch break, all he was thinking about was that funny critter in his room.

''OK, class, today we have been learning about Joan of Arc. I can see that you have learned a great deal, but let me check your knowledge. First, where was Joan of Arc born? Let me see... Simon?'' the teacher looked at Simon, smiling.

Though still in a trance, Simon was able to catch the question and answered it despite a two-second delay, ''France.'' After all, he was a bright kid and had read about Joan of Arc when he was four.

During the lunch break, Ron, his best friend, walked up to him with a mischievous smile.

''Mate, see what I've got!

Ron produced a paper box. As soon as Simon turned his eyes to it his pulse began to race, for there was some familiar red light leaking from the gaps.

And when Ron finally opened it, yes, it was a glowing lizard!

But it was not the same as the one in Simon's room, which he had carefully stowed away under its bed the previous night. This one was smaller with bigger eyes, and looked even more frightened.

''Where... where did you get it?'' asked Simon frantically.

''This morning, when I was brushing my teeth, it just popped up out of nowhere! I quickly scooped it up and put it in a box. See, its leg is injured here! So I gave him a Band-A. How about that for an animal lover!'' Simon was worried. He did not tell Ron that he had a shining lizard in his room too. He could not help but wonder: if it so happened that both Simon and Ron, two random students in this class, had a shining lizard at their homes, could it mean that they were not alone? Could it mean that many others had that too?

A thought shot across his mind. ''Wait a second, Ron,'' said Simon, ''Was anything out of order at your home before?''

''Yeah, the electricity! I was playing Minecraft when the screen suddenly went blank! Then someone came over and fixed it. But it's a shame that I hadn't saved my design. It was the best thing I have ever built!''

''Oh no! What's that?'' Simon suddenly heard someone shout in the distance. Under the tree on the far side of the playground, a crowd of classmates had gathered. ''Now I need to see this!'' Ron said, his face beaming. He quickly thrust the paper box with the shining lizard into Simon's hands and ran off. From a distance, Simon saw him elbow his way through the crowd and disappeared.

Then he heard Ron shout, ''Hey Simon, it's ANOTHER glowing lizard.''

Sweat streamed down Simon's forehead.

(to be continued)

Text by Terence Yip


trance (n) 發呆

race (v) 急速跳動

gather (v) 聚集

thrust (v) 塞

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