©ú³ø·s»Dºô®ü¥~ª©-©ú³ø¥[¦èª©(·Å­ôµØ) - Ming Pao Canada Vancouver Chinese Newspaper
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 ©ñ²´¥@¬É¡G Exciting Mid-Autumn Festival

¡i©ú³ø±M°T¡jMy life has changed much since I first met my Hong Kong family nine months ago. My host mum always chats with me at home. She says I am like a son to her.

Over the past nine months I have experienced a lot of Chinese culture. The Mid-Autumn Festival was very exciting because of the Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance. What astonished me most was a wooden dragon burning in front of me. Then I went to Victoria Park to see the fascinating Chinese lanterns with my host mum and host grandma. This festival is really fun¡I

School life in Hong Kong

I am attending a very traditional school in Hong Kong. School occupies much of my time but school club and activities help me to relax and allow me to meet new friends¡I

text: Alessandro Nali

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¡n©ñ²´¥@¬É¡G Exciting Mid-Autumn Festival



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