
[2016.01.20] 發表

【明報專訊】1. Nearly every bit of a pineapple (its skin or core) is used to make a variety of products including _______ (醋), alcohol and animal food.

2. The pineapple is traditionally a symbol of hospitality. It expresses ''_______''.

3. Pineapples grow close to the ______ rather than in the treetops.

4. An Italian explorer first brought pineapples from a Caribbean ______ (加勒比海島嶼) to Spain (西班牙) in 1493.

5. Pineapples originated in ______ (巴西), and the Philippines (菲律賓) is among the world's largest pineapple producers.

(answers on next text)


hospitality (n) 款待

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