©ú³ø·s»Dºô®ü¥~ª©-©ú³ø¥[¦èª©(·Å­ôµØ) - Ming Pao Canada Vancouver Chinese Newspaper
[ «e©¹·sª©­± ]

¡nComic¡RA day without technology
¡nAnswers, Comic
¡nNews Corner¡RWord of the year
¡nAnswers, News corner
¡nMission¡RWonders in the sea


 (P4-5) Mission¡RUnderwater creatures

¡i©ú³ø±M°T¡jAfter returning from the freezing Antarctica, MoMo and Bill have joined the other Smarties and they are heading for the tropics! Not surprisingly, Eason follows them closely. Wait, what is that huge shadow?

¡»(P2) Comic¡RA day without technology

¡»(P3) News corner¡RWord of the year

¡»(P6-7) Art and culture¡RAppreciating comics

¡»(P8) Express¡RYo-Kai Watch the Movie tickets

¡mSmarties Power English Vol 138¡n

¡n(P4-5) Mission¡RUnderwater creatures



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