©ú³ø·s»Dºô®ü¥~ª©-©ú³ø¥[¦èª©(·Å­ôµØ) - Ming Pao Canada Vancouver Chinese Newspaper
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¡nNews corner¡RTaste of Australia in HK


 Comic¡RA blessing in disguise

¡i©ú³ø±M°T¡jDr Panda is taking photographs of the ground from an elevated position and introducing aerial photography to Pat.

¡½English highway¡R-words and collocations


"Enough" comes after adjectives and adverbs, and before nouns.

e.g. He isn't tall enough to be a model.

She hasn't been to lessons often enough.

Do we have enough apples for making salad?


Choose the correct phrases to complete the sentences.

(answers on next text)

get enough / bravely enough / good enough /

got enough / had enough small

1. Your result is not ________ to get you admitted.

2. It's difficult to ________ marks to pass this test.

3. We've ________ stationery we will need. You need not bring any.

4. If you fight ________, I'm sure you'll win.

5. We haven't ________ stickers. We have too many big ones.


elevated (adj) ¤ñ(¨ä¥Lª«¥ó)°ªªº

aerial photography (n phr) ¯è©ç

drone (n) »»±±­¸¾÷

remote control (n phr) »»±±¾¹

¡nComic¡RA blessing in disguise



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