英譯概念:Stability of China's economy in 2022

[2022.10.24] 發表
This photo shows customers shopping for goods in a duty-free shop at a shopping mall in Haikou, Hainan Province. During the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in May 2020, it was proposed that domestic demand should be expanded as the main pillar for the Chinese economy. (China News Service)

【明報專訊】At the Central Economic Work Conference in December 2021, the Government made the observation that economic development was facing the three-fold pressures of "shrinking demand, supply chain shock and weakening expectations". CCTV reports even mentioned the word "stability" 25 times. At the 2021-2022 China Economic Annual Conference held in Beijing in the same month, Han Wenxiu, deputy director of the Office of the Central Financial and Economic Affairs Commission, mentioned that "stability" was the most prominent keyword of this economic conference and that "steady" should be the keyword for 2022 and progress should be sought amid stability. All regions and departments must shoulder the responsibility of stabilising the macro economy and actively introduce policies that were conducive to economic stability, said Han.

In 2021, China's total retail sales of consumer goods exceeded RMB 40 trillion, an increase of 12.5% over 2020. Fixed asset investment (excluding farmers) exceeded RMB 50 trillion, an increase of 4.9% over 2020. The contribution rate of domestic demand to economic growth reached 79.1%, an increase of 4.4 percentage points over 2020.

Han Wenxiu said that China's advantage lay in its huge potential from domestic demand. It is necessary to implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, promote the continuous recovery of consumption, actively expand effective investment, accelerate infrastructure investment, and step up investment in pollution reduction, carbon reduction, new energy, new industries, etc. He also mentioned the current economic problems, including the weakening growth momentum of consumption and investment, the disruptions to the supply chain, the lack of chips and electricity in production, the increasing cost pressure on small and medium-sized enterprises and unstable market expectations. However, he emphasised the resilience and great potential of the Chinese economy, and there were many favourable conditions for economic development. His observation was that the trend of sustained recovery and development would remain unchanged, neither would the fundamentals of long-term improvement.

Mock examination question

"In order to maintain the stable development of China's economy, it is necessary to step up the development of domestic demand potential." Refer to the source and explain two reasons to support this statement. (4 marks)

(1) A major driving force of China's economy

According to the source, China's economic growth is mainly driven by domestic demand. In 2021, total retail sales of consumer goods in China exceeded RMB 40 trillion, an increase of 12.5% over 2020, while the contribution rate of domestic demand to economic growth reached 79.1%, an increase of 4.4 percentage points over 2020. It can be seen that domestic demand is the most important component of China's economic growth. Stepping up the development of domestic demand potential is conducive to maintaining its importance to economic development and to stable economic development.

(2) Reduce the impact of external factors

Furthermore Han Wenxiu, deputy director of the Office of the Central Financial and Economic Affairs Commission, mentioned that China's current economic problems included weakening consumption, weakening investment growth momentum and supply chain disruptions. These problems were partly due to economic globalisation. The COVID-19 pandemic, for example, caused the rupture of the supply chain at one point, affecting the development of manufacturing and export industries. Stepping up the development of domestic demand potential will help reduce the impact of external factors (such as the pandemic situations of foreign countries and diplomatic issues) on the economy and is conducive to stable economic development.


[智學公民 第038期]

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