News feed:Wastewater from Fukushima

[2021.04.28] 發表
Storage tanks for wastewater at the power plant.
Smiles were digitally added to old black and white pictures of victims.
Use of the ''LeaveHomeSafe'' app will be linked to the pace of relaxation of restrictions.

【明報專訊】DURING the 2011 megaquake in Japan, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (福島第一核電廠) was destroyed and nuclear radiation leaked. In early April this year, Japan decided to pump more than one million tonnes of nuclear wastewater into the sea in 2023. The wastewater has been used in cooling down the power plant. Experts worry the radioactive residues may pollute the ocean. China denounced that as ''irresponsible'', and South Korea expressed deep regret.

Art has limit

IN THE LATE 1970s, around two million Cambodians (柬埔寨人) were massacred by their government during the Khmer Rouge genocide (赤柬大屠殺). Matt Loughrey, an Irish artist, however, offended the South Asian country by digitally adding smiles to old black and white pictures of the victims. His ''art'' has been called an ''insult'', angering many Cambodians, who think foreigners do not understand their plight.

New road map

WEEKS ago, Chief Executive Carrie Lam proposed taking a ''new direction in fighting the pandemic'' (「抗疫新路向」). If all staff have received the first dose of a vaccine and all customers are required to use the ''LeaveHomeSafe'' app, some restrictions can be lifted. Also, a designated area may be set up for vaccinated customers if all staff and customers have received both doses of a vaccine. Moreover, the quarantine period for travellers arriving in Hong Kong from low- to medium-risk places may be shortened.

■Gear up

According to the passages on this page, circle the correct answers.

(1) Japan's decision was praised by many countries.

( True / False / Not given )

(2) The government has made the use of the ''LeaveHomeSafe'' app a must.

( True / False / Not given )

(3)Matt Loughrey is from Ireland.

( True / False / Not given )

(Answers on next text)


wastewater (n) 廢水

residues (n) 殘餘物

plight (n) 不幸

designated (adj) 指定的

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