[2021.02.03] 發表
【明報專訊】1. 庖丁解牛
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7. 執牛耳
8. 初生之犢不懼虎
9. 舐犢情深
10. 力大如牛
11. 泥牛入海
[語文同樂 第490期]
News feed:Japan's Year of the Ox
【明報專訊】The Year of the Ox is approaching! But Japanese people already t... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. False
2. Not given
3. True
[Smarties' Power English ...
Infographic:Hong Kong weather of 2020
【明報專訊】The Hong Kong Observatory(HKO)recorded a low temperature in Janu... 詳情Career:Radio personality
【明報專訊】A radio personality or radio host refers to someone who hosts di... 詳情相關新聞