【明報專訊】Do you know the names of the things you see in your daily life? Would you like to learn more about types of furniture? Learning vocabulary could be tedious, especially when it comes along with exam drilling. However, there are many interesting and effective ways to increase your vocabulary.
The method of memorising words is called a mnemonic device (記憶術). A visual mnemonic (圖像記憶法) consolidates memories over the long haul by associating words with images. Big Book of English Words has around a thousand everyday words matched with colourful illustrations, and may serve as a helpful companion to your English learning journey.
■English highway﹕over the long haul
It means "over a long period of time".
e.g. He has been practising for the marathon over the long haul.
What do you think is the most difficult part when learning English?
◆Do you want a copy of Big Book of English Words? Fill in the form, answer the question and send it to us (see below for our address). Please state "Smarties' Power English Vol 214" on the envelope. The giveaway closes on 25 April 2018.
3 lucky readers will be picked.
Thanks: Commercial Press
[Smarties' Power English 第214期]