放眼世界﹕Hong Kong is a food paradise!

[2016.02.29] 發表

【明報專訊】Since I arrived in Hong Kong four months ago, I've been learning about a new world and experiencing a new way of living. For instance, my daily life is busy, and I always move from one place to another.

I've discovered beautiful places here and, thanks to my host family and my new friends, I feel "at home'' in a place that's over 9,000 km away from my hometown. I really love Hong Kong's culture, and what I appreciate most is its cuisine. I really like Chinese foods like noodles, vegetables and fish. They are really delicious though they are cooked in easy ways.

delicious street food

I've tried many kinds of delicious street foods such as egg puffs, waffles, fishballs, shaomai and internal organs of various animals, as well as various foods made in bakery shops. Moreover, I've also tried "yum cha", at which different local "dim sum" are served together with hot Chinese tea. My favoruite dim sum are lai wong bao, ma lai go and pork dumplings.

"yum cha", hotpot and desserts!

Hotpot is another typical way of eating Hong Kong people love to have, especially when it is cold. I really love it because it makes me warm and the food is glorious! As I'm addicted to desserts, I'm sure when I get back to Italy, puffs, pineapple buns, lai wong bao, ma lai go, red bean soup and sesame glutinous rice balls will be what I'll miss most.

text﹕Nicoletta Paolillo (An AFS exchange student from Italy)

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