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A robot band performs at the World Robot Conference in Beijing.
A robot plays flute at the Conference.

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 News Corner﹕Robot conference

【明報專訊】The World Robot Conference 2015 (世界機械人大會) was held in Beijing on 23 November 2015. The event included exhibitions on robot research, new products and new technological developments and forums, at which experts from China, Germany, the US and Japan gave speeches. During the conference, the World Adolescent Robot Contest (世界青少年機械人邀請賽) also took place. Over 150 teams from over 16 countries and cities participated in it.

In the competitions, teams of primary and secondary schools designed and built robots and programmed them to perform various tasks. They also had a chance to use their creativity and communication skills in teamwork.

Over the last two years, China has been the largest market for industrial robots. Their sales in China accounted for a quarter of the global sales. On this year's Singles' Day (11 November, or "雙11"), a vacuum cleaner robot was among the ten best-selling home appliances. It outsold even Xiaomi (小米) mobile phones. (source: Ming Pao)

■Photo story

A robot band performs at the World Robot Conference in Beijing.

A robot plays flute at the Conference.


technological development 科技發展

forum 專題討論

industrial robot 工業機械人


Choose the correct answers.

(answers on next text)

1. In which country was the World Robot Conference 2015 held?

a. China

b. the US

c. Japan

2. What does "a quarter" in paragraph three means?

a. 1/3

b. 1/4

c. 1/2

3. Which of the following was NOT held during the World Robot Conference 2015?

a. a robot contest

b. exhibitions on the latest products

c. Singles' Day shopping event

4. What did students do in the Robot Contest?

a. sell robots they made

b. design robots and program them to perform tasks

c. use robots they bought to perform tasks


participate (v) 參與

program (v) 為……編寫程式

account for (phr v) 佔

vacuum cleaner (n) 吸塵機

News Corner﹕Robot conference
Answers, News corner



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