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 News corner﹕HK ferris wheel

【明報專訊】The 60-meter-high Hong Kong Observation Wheel is expected to open on the Central Harbourfront in October 2014. The ferris wheel was originally scheduled to open last September, but bad weather had held up its construction works.

The wheel will have 42 gondolas, each holding eight to ten passengers. A ride takes 15 to 20 minutes and offers spectacular views over Victoria Harbour. The price will be HK$100 for adults and HK$70 for children. It is now being discussed whether priority visits to the wheel should be offered to underprivileged people.

Leon Snep, director of Swiss AEX, the operator of the wheel, has said the wheel is mainly targeted at local families. Eateries will open there after the wheel opens. About one million visitors are expected to visit the wheel a year.

Ferris wheels like the London Eye and the Singapore Flyer have been many cities' landmarks and major tourist attractions. (source: Ming Pao)


ferris wheel 摩天輪

gondola (纜車的)車廂

passenger 乘客


Complete the following table with the information from the passage.

Hong Kong Observation Wheel

Location :(a)________________

Expected opening date: October 2014

Height of the wheel: (b)_________

No. of gondolas: (c)__________

No. of passengers in each gondola:


Duration of a ride:(e)___________

Price:(f)$___ for adults; $___ for children


hold up(phr v) 延誤

spectacular(adj) 壯觀的

underprivileged (adj) 貧苦的;社會底層的

eatery (n) 餐館;飲食店

News corner﹕HK ferris wheel
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