• 2023.01.18

Story : It's New Year again!

[2023.01.18] µoªí

¡i©ú³ø±M°T¡jBrother Bear came home from school to find Little Sister turning the pages of their new calendar. She said, "I'm so glad you're home. There's something about this calendar I don't understand. Why are there two sets of dates?"

Putting down his schoolbag, he picked up the large calendar. Usually he just looked at the beautiful photos but now he noticed that there were actually two sets of dates.

"You're right! Let me see -- I think one set is the Western calendar and the other set is the Chinese calendar. Today's the 18th of January by the Western calendar, so it's the 27th day of the twelfth month, by the Chinese calendar."

"Yes, that's correct," said Mrs Bear, coming into the room with a pot of narcissus bulbs. "See these plants? They're going to flower just in time for Chinese New Year. What good timing! We also call it Lunar New Year because we use the lunar calendar."

"I remember teacher telling us the Western calendar is based on the sun and the lunar calendar is based on the moon."

"That's right, children. Here in Hong Kong, we use both calendars to keep track of important dates and festivals.

We just celebrated Christmas and New Year. Can you tell me the dates?"

"Of course, Mother!" cried the children. "That's TOO easy. Everyone knows Christmas is always the 25th of December and New Year is always the first of January."

"Ah, yes," said Mother smiling. "But what about Chinese festivals? Are they always on the same date every year by the Western calendar?"

The children thought hard but were not sure. They only remembered that last year, the Chinese New Year holiday was in February and not January. They scratched their fuzzy heads and went to ask their father for help.

Father Bear laughed, "Many folks much older than you two are also easily confused. That's why I always check the calendar to make sure I've got the right date. It's a good habit to learn. That reminds me -- only a few days left before it's New Year's Eve and there's still lots of work to do. Your mother has been really busy preparing all the puddings, candies, treats and special snacks for family and friends. Let's work together to make our home clean and tidy. Let's get to work!"

The children were happy to help. They tidied up their desks, books, toys, clothes and stored them away neatly. Then they helped clean the kitchen until the pots and pans shone.

Their mother was so pleased that she gave them each a big piece of delicious turnip pudding.


Do you know how to use the Lunar and Western calendars? What are the dates for these festivals in 2023? Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Moon Festival, Chung Yeung or Grave-sweeping Festival.

¡½Something to think about

In Hong Kong, we're lucky to be able to celebrate New Year twice. What do you like to do best on New Year's day?


calendar (n) ¤é¾ä/ ¾äªk

narcissus(n) ¤ô¥Pªá

keep track of (phr v) ½T«O¤F¸Ñ

fuzzy(adj) ²V¶Ãªº

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[Smarties' Power English ²Ä365´Á]

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