• 2020.10.12

Road to 5**:Scramble for toilet paper

[2020.10.12] 發表
Toilet paper and food in many districts in Hong Kong were sold out on February 2020.

【明報專訊】◆News summary

After COVID-19 cases broke out, some citizens started panic buying toilet paper and rice. The Hong Kong Suppliers Association has reassured citizens that the industry's supply was sufficient for about one month's demand. At the same time, with the gradual resumption of the economy and the replenishment of stock from overseas, the supply has increased significantly, meaning there is no need for panic buying.

◆Source A

Philip Ho, chairman of the Hong Kong Suppliers Association, says that all factories in mainland China has resumed work. As the production of toilet paper is completely automatic, there will be no shortage if machines operate for a longer period. He states that toilet paper occupies much space. Previously, a cargo truck was able to deliver various types of goods, but now the delivery of other goods is delayed by the need to replenish toilet paper supply. Furthermore, as most of the white rice in Hong Kong comes from Thailand and Australia, and noodles of major brands are manufactured in Hong Kong, there is no need to worry about the production of these daily necessities.

Source: Ming Pao, 2020.02.14,2020.03.09

■Mock examination question

“Maintaining public health is more important than environmental conservation when it comes to maintaining social stability.” Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.

·This question is about comparing two clearly stated options. The criteria for comparison – such as necessity, cost effectiveness, urgency, should be listed in your answer.

·The comparison must be focused on the effectiveness of the two options in maintaining social stability.


• The necessity of public health

In terms of necessity, public health must be guaranteed in order to achieve social stability. Take the pandemic as example, confirmed cases began to be recorded in Hong Kong in January 2020, which resulted in citizens panic buying and hoarding daily necessities. This demonstrates how a public health crisis can cause panic among citizens. In contrast, environmental conservation is not essential to maintaining social stability. Only when social stability is achieved can there be sufficient human resources and public expenditure for promoting environmental conservation.

•The urgency of public health problems

In terms of urgency, poor public health can easily destabilize society. Hospitals are understaffed and easily overwhelmed during influenza seasons, which affects the quality of medical service and the basic medical needs of the public. On the contrary, environmental issues do not affect social stability on an urgent matter.


• Environmental conservation is important in the long run

In terms of comprehensiveness, environmental conservation is important to maintaining the social stability of Hong Kong. Modern society attaches great importance to sustainable development; many people are concerned about the balance between environmental, social and economic development. For example, some citizens took to the streets to express dissatisfaction at the government-proposed “Lantau Tomorrow Vision ”, which may affect social stability. While protecting public health is important, it is not necessarily more important than environmental conservation.

• Environmental conservation has extensive influence

Fundamentally speaking, improper environmental conservation can negatively affect public health, so environmental conservation should be done well to maintain social stability. Improper environmental conservation plans may damage overall quality of life, and the impact may be even greater than that caused by poor public health.

Translated by Terence Yip

[通通識 第665期]

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