• 2022.01.27

Road to 5**:Development of nuclear power in China

[2022.01.27] 發表
A ''level 0 event'' occurred at the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province. Officials said there was no leakage, nor were any employees exposed to radiation. The picture shows the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant. (China News Service)

【明報專訊】◆News summary

The National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) recently issued a notice that Unit 1 of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province(江蘇省) had a ''short-term abnormal power failure in the manual shutdown control loop of the unit'' in October 2021. After the replacement of components, the reactor was restarted. It was said that the whole process was conducted safely, and no people were exposed to radiation, nor was there any nuclear leakage. According to the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES), it was a ''level 0 event''.

Statistics show that Unit 2 and Unit 6 of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Station had three ''level 0 events'' in 2021.

According to data, mainland China's nuclear power plants are located in 8 provinces along the eastern coast, namely Liaoning, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan. As of February 2021, the mainland has 49 nuclear power plants in operation, ranking third in the world. It has 14 nuclear power plants under construction, ranking first in the world.

● Mock examination question

Explain the hidden hazards of China's development of nuclear power supply.

1. Nuclear waste problem

Although greenhouse gases are not released during nuclear power generation, it might cause nuclear leakage. The radioactivity of nuclear waste can last for many years, and once it leaks, it will cause unpredictable disasters. Most of China's nuclear power plants are located in the southeast coastal area. During the transportation of nuclear waste to disposal plants, it has to pass through many densely populated areas, and there are certain risks in the transportation process.

2. Effects on health

Nuclear power generation may affect human health. Nuclear power plant employees' long-term exposure to radioactive materials is cause for concern, since protective clothing may not be able to completely block radiation. In the Fukushima nuclear accident, the Japanese government admitted in 2018 that an employee of the nuclear power plant had died of lung cancer due to excessive body radiation.

3. Questions about supervision

To ensure the safe operation of nuclear power plants, nuclear power projects must be strictly conducted from production, management to supervision. China is actively constructing nuclear power plants and attaches great importance to nuclear energy safety. It has a good nuclear safety record. However, some environmental protection groups have discovered that the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant, about 130 kilometers away from Hong Kong, has multiple security loopholes. They are worried about the reliability of the NNSA's supervision.

4. High costs of nuclear power plant construction

The capital investment for the construction of nuclear power plants accounts for 70% of the total operating costs, which is higher than the construction of coal-fired or natural gas power plants of the same power. The construction of nuclear power plants is expensive, and the construction process is extremely complicated. To prevent nuclear accidents, safety must be ensured, and this increases costs.


[通通識 第740期]

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