• 2021.05.24

Road to 5**:Biden's cancellation of US-Canada pipeline project

[2021.05.24] 發表
US President Joe Biden signed an executive order after he took office to cancel the Keystone XL oil pipeline project.(Reuters)

【明報專訊】After Joe Biden took office as President of the US, he cancelled Keystone XL, an oil pipeline project in collaboration with Canada. Alberta(艾伯塔省), Canada's energy hub, will bear the brunt and lose a large number of jobs. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed disappointment at Biden's decision.

◆News summary

Canada exports 80% of its crude oil to the US, most of which comes from oil sands. Under the Keystone XL project that would run through Canada and the US, a pipelines that measured about 1,930 kilometers stretching from the Alberta oil sands mine base in western Canada, through Nebraska in the US, to the existing oil pipelines in the local area would be built. It is estimated that the pipeline could transport more than 800,000 barrels of crude oil to refineries in the Gulf of Mexico every day.

The oil sands and energy industries are the lifeblood of Alberta's economy. As of today, they supply around 14,000 jobs in the province. Environmental groups, however, argue that oil sands are an extremely ''unclean'' source of energy.

Source: 22 January 2021, Ming Pao

●Mock examination question

''The development of alternative energy sources is a better way to safeguard a country's energy security than energy diplomacy.'' To what extent do you agree with this view? Support your answer with reasons.

Suggested answers

◆Agree to a large extent:


From the perspective of stability, the development of alternative energy sources can make a country self-sufficient. The higher the ratio of energy generated by the country itself, the higher the level of energy security. In contrast, energy diplomacy is subject to uncertainties brought about by changes in the international situation, and a country's economic development will also be affected by the situations of other countries.

·Minimized political conflicts

Developing alternative energy sources can reduce political conflicts caused by energy diplomacy. Alternative energy sources include renewable energy sources, of which there is an endless supply. This helps ensure energy security. In contrast, energy diplomacy is affected by international crude oil prices, which are in turn affected by geopolitics and the foreign policies of different countries, which can easily make the supply and price of oil unstable.

◆Agree to a small extent:

·Higher cost of development

From the perspective of the cost of development, it is difficult to ensure energy security by developing alternative energy sources. For example, China has developed combustible ice in recent years. Even though it has the benefits of abundant reserves and high energy efficiency, developing it is very costly. In the short term, it will not help reduce its dependence on imported energy. Energy diplomacy is still needed to ensure energy security.

·Unstable source

The development of a single alternative energy source cannot guarantee energy security. If a country relies on its own energy supply, it will be difficult to ensure energy security in the event of a serious accident such as a nuclear leak. By contrast, many countries in the world have rich oil reserves, and many of them are third world countries. Greater powers can establish multilateral relations with these countries and obtain stable energy supply.

Translated by Odyssey Lang

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