放眼世界:Oktoberfest is marvelous!

[2016.11.21] 發表

【明報專訊】Guten Tag! Sch on dich zu sehen! Hello! Nice to meet you!

My exchange journey started the moment I began to fly from Hong Kong to Germany. Since I arrived there, I've learned so much about myself and my surroundings. I'm now more positive and willing to experience things outside my comfort zone.

Beer festival

I had an unparalleled experience when I took part in the Oktoberfest, a beer festival and travelling fun fair. It has been held since 1810 and is an important part of Bavarian culture. One of the biggest parties in the world, the Oktoberfest is a carefree and typical German experience. That is exactly why it draws many visitors year after year. Of course, that is why it appeals to me!

Traditional Bavarian outfit caught my attention

I went to the Oktoberfest with my friends. That was like entering a whole new world. There were people, food and, of course, beer tents everywhere. We decided to walk around but barely made it to the other side of the ground because the food smell was awfully tempting!We spent the whole afternoon enjoying the fair. Some things caught my attention – traditional Bavarian outfits. The standard attire for women was「dirndl」and for men,「lederhosen」. Almost all were in them!

We subsequently went into a tent, where we saw people dancing and cheering on tables. When the band played, the whole tent sang along. Everyone was having a fabulous time. My friends and the Germans there tried their best to teach me how to sing!

When the night fell, my day at the Oktoberfest came to an end. The experience was marvelous!

text:Hui Kei Yan

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