疫情邁向關鍵 國民要決定前路

[2021.09.07] 發表


答:80% 的加拿大人做了正確的事,他們接種了疫苗。正因為他們做了正確的事情,我認為現在是恰當時間去決定前路一些重要議題。



Q: There were a lot of comments that claimed we should not hold an election during a pandemic. However, the US successfully held their presidential election last year, Canada will have its Federal election in mid-September, are there parallels? What are your thoughts on holding an election at these testing times?

A:80% of Canadians have done the right thing, they've got themselves vaccinated. Because they have done the right thing, I think it is right that we check in at a time of some really big decisions.

As you can see, different parties have very different ideas on how we move forward, how we end the pandemic, and how we build back better. Canadians deserve to make that choice, because we know that ending this pandemic is incredibly important, and it happens now in the coming months, not a year from now or two years from now, that's why Canadians should get to choose right now.

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