【明報專訊】The Smarties have encountered a dangerous situation in the sewer tunnel. They see a gigantic creature crawling.
Bill: Did you see that? I think it is a monster!
MoMo: Yes. We must walk cautiously. If we make any noise, we might die immediately.
Bill:vThat is so terrible. Can we fight with that dreadful thing? I have been learning martial arts recently. I can fight with my bare hands.
MoMo: I don't think so. It has an extremely lengthy claw. That beast is also remarkably agile. The fact that we are not equipped with any weapons has put us in a dangerous situation.
Bill: We are also unable to call for help in the sewage system. That monster has intentionally blocked our only way out. What should we do?
MoMo: Call for help... Ah! I have got a plan! I need your mobile phone.
Bill: Wait... What?
MoMo: We place your phone in that corner. Then, we play exceedingly loud music to distract that beast. Your watch is connected to your phone, right?
Bill: Yes, but does it mean that my phone will have to be sacrificed ? My phone is so important to me...
MoMo: Do you want to leave or not?
Bill: I am awfully sorry. I was just asking. Let's go!
■English highway﹕
We use adverbs to further describe the verbs or the clauses. Common verbs like ''very'' and ''really'' are often seen in articles, but there are more to learn!
•Extremely——Be careful, this mission is extremely dangerous.
•Honestly——When the police interrogated him, he answered all questions honestly.
•Officially——Due to heavy rain, the match was officially cancelled.
•Commonly——Adverbs are commonly used.
■Gear up
Integrate the sentences by using adverbs.
1. The dress is long. The length of the dress is unusual.
2. MoMo went to Tai Po. This event is recent.
(Answers on next text)
gigantic (adj) 巨大的
sewage (n) 污水
distract (v) 引開注意
sacrifice(v) 犧牲
[Smarties' Power English 第298期]