• 2024.02.28

Talk of the town:Launching Tianzhou-7 into space

[2024.02.28] 發表
The cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-7 successfully launched into space and docked with the Tiangong Space Station on January 18 2024, it marks the first launch of China's manned space program this year.

【明報專訊】The cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-7 was successfully launched into space and docked with the Tiangong Space Station at 1:46 am on January 18 ,2024 (Beijing time). Tianzhou-7's mission, which involved a three-hour rapid rendezvous and docking plan, was the first launch of China's manned space program in 2024.

The cargo spacecraft carried over 260 items with a total weight of 5.6 tonnes. Among them, approximately 2.4 tonnes consisted of daily necessities such as food, clothing, and personal hygiene products. There was around 90 kilograms of fruit, intended for the current crew members on the Shenzhou-17(神舟十七號) spacecraft. The remaining cargo included propellants, experimental items, and payloads. These Chinese New Year supplies carried by Tianzhou-7 also showcase the importance of maintaining the astronauts' well-being and morale during their extended stay in space.

Tiangong station

The Tiangong Space Station (also known as the Chinese Space Station) is a space station system that China started constructing in 2021. It is the third space experimental platform built by humans since the Mir Space Station in 1986 (created by Soviet Union and ended its mission in 2001) and the International Space Station in 1998 (owned by various countries). Shenzhou-17 is a Chinese spaceflight that was launched on 26 October 2023. It has three astronauts on board.

What is the significance of space exploration?

Neil Armstrong said the famous phrase ''That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind'' when he became the first person to set foot on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission on July 20, 1969.

Space exploration is of great importance as it allows us to discover new frontiers, expand our knowledge and understanding of the universe, and drive technological advancements. Space exploration can also leads to technological innovations that have practical applications in various industries, ranging from satellite communications to weather forecasting. Moreover, it satisfies our curiosity and inspires future generations to pursue careers in STEM fields.

■Grammar Booster

… of great importance

To emphasize that something is very important to someone or something.

E.g. The speech given by the head of state is of great importance to the citizens during the hardship.



When is the moon heaviest?

(Answer on next text)

■Gear up

Fruits are carried in Tianzhou-7 spacecraft. (True/ False)

(Answer on next text)


dock (v) 對接

rendezvous (n) 交會

propellant (n) 推進劑

morale (n) 士氣

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[Smarties' Power English 第402期]

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