[2022.03.23] 發表
1. 穿針引線
2. 引經據典
3. 穿鑿附會
4. 鑿鑿有據
5. 草菅人命
6. 人去樓空
1. 口蜜腹劍
2. 腹心之疾
3. 疾言厲色
4. 厲精圖治
5. 平分秋色
6. 大刀闊斧
7. 大展鴻圖
8. 鬼斧神工
[語文同樂 第566期]
Talk of the town:Waiting time for public rental housing surged to a new high
【明報專訊】The latest figure released by the Housing Authority in February ... 詳情Talk of the town:Public rental housing
【明報專訊】The public rental housing scheme is a scheme operated by the Hou... 詳情
【明報專訊】■ Gear up
1. False
2. False
[Smarties' Power English 第3...
Dig Deeper:Northern metropolis development
【明報專訊】With the initiative to better integrate the cities from the Grea... 詳情
【明報專訊】■ Gear up
1. Not given
■ Game
1. B
2. A
3. C