• 2019.03.13

Passenger etiquette

[2019.03.13] 發表
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【明報專訊】Hong Kong's Transport Department (運輸署) has launched a new video. Aimed at reminding passengers to consider others when using public transport, it depicts some inconsiderate behaviour (picture).

In the video, local actress Deanie Ip (葉德嫻) hops on trains and buses and takes on nasty passengers one after another. Silver-haired and sharp-tongued, she shames those rushing into train compartments while the door is closing, watching videos without earphones on, and eating and drinking on trains. There is even a passenger performing gymnastic moves on the train which causes disturbance to others, and some lean on the pole (扶手柱). "The pole is not yours, it's for everybody." Deanie reminded in the video.

The video has gone viral online since the launch, and is much appreciated by Hong Kong netizens. They suggest the video be edited in multiple versions, playing in all the local traffic terminals.

(sources: Ming Pao, Transport Department)

■English highway﹕ 's

We don't use 's after possessive pronouns.

e.g. (ˇ) Are those books hers?

(╳) Are those books her's?


1. Which department launched the video?


2. Put a ╳ in the box if it is an inconsiderate act on public transport.

a. Rushing into the train compartment while the door is closing. □

b. Using earphones when watching videos. □

c. Eating and drinking on trains. □

d. Performing gymnastic moves on the train. □


Metallic balloons are not allowed in MTR stations and on trains. Which of the following is the mirror image of the big balloon?

(Answers on next text)


inconsiderate (adj) 不為他人設想的

nasty (adj) 令人厭惡的

compartment (n) 車廂

multiple (adj) 多種的

[Smarties' Power English 第242期]

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