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Readers' corner:Portrait of Rin Okumura


 Culture:Removing shoes at the door

【明報專訊】A Japanese friend of the Smarties' has invited them to dinner in his house. It is raining when they arrive. While they are having dinner, someone suddenly barges in on them.

「 Dr Panda:Thank you for having us dine with you! 」

「 Japanese friend:Please come in! 」

「 All: Itadakimasu! (Let's eat!) 」

「 Eason: Haha! Why don't you have me as well? 」

「 MoMo: Eason, you should've taken your shoes and your raincoat off before you came in! 」

「 Dr Panda: When did you buy a new pair of socks last? 」

■ Culture tips

It is a custom in Japan to leave outdoor shoes at the entrance and wear slippers indoors. That applies not only to homes but also to traditional inns, restaurants, temples and schools. There is usually a genkan (玄關) at the entrance of a Japanese flat (picture). It is the place where people take their shoes off. In Japan they have low dining tables on the floor and people sit on the floor when they eat. Many also sleep on tatami (榻榻米) on the floor. Obviously, people leave their outdoor shoes at the entrance in the interests of hygiene.

■ English highway﹕

barge in (on somebody or something) (phrasal verb)

If a person barges in on a group of people, he joins them rudely and interrupt what they are doing.

e.g.Bill barged in on Pat and MoMo while they were chatting with each other.

■ Glossary

raincoat (n) 雨衣

custom (n) (社會的)慣例

inn (n) 小旅館/小酒店

hygiene (n) 衛生

Culture:Removing shoes at the door



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