Horizon:Our closest relatives in the animal kingdom

[2022.03.09] 發表
Snow monkeys

【明報專訊】Do you know that humans are closely related to primates such as chimpanzees and monkeys? We are alike in many ways, both in our bodies and behaviours. Where do they live in the wild? Why are they special?

◆Japan - Snow monkeys

The snow monkeys living near the Joshinetsu Kogen National Park(上信越高原國立公園) enjoy hot springs! The legend goes that a snow monkey went into the hot spring to grab a floating apple but it did not get out of the water immediately. Its companions saw that and imitated it. For over 40 years, hundreds of snow monkeys have been relaxing in the hot springs there.

◆Madagascar - Lemurs

Lemurs (狐猴) are native to Madagascar, an island country off the southeast coast of Africa. Although there are approximately 100 different types of lemurs, they can only be found there. Unlike monkeys, they sleep in the daytime. Their teeth are arranged in a manner similar to a comb so that they can groom themselves.

◆The Democratic Republic of Congo - Bonobos

Wild bonobos(倭黑猩猩) can only be found in forests in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Though very similar to chimpanzees, they can walk on two legs more easily than chimpanzees can. Like other great apes, bonobos build a new bed in trees every night by using leaves and branches. The intelligent bonobos need only ten minutes to build a sturdy and comfortable nest.


primate (n) 靈長類動物

imitate (v) 模仿

groom (v) 梳毛

sturdy (adj) 牢固的

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[Smarties' Power English 第337期]


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