[2020.03.04] 發表
【明報專訊】1. 春光明媚(mei6)
2. 鳥語花香
3. 春意盎然
4. 滿袖春風
5. 乍暖還寒
6. 春風拂面
7. 欣欣向榮
8. 春回大地
9. 春寒料峭
10. 滿園春色
[語文同樂 第428期]
News feed:Antarctica is bleeding
【明報專訊】Many things in Antarctica (南極洲) are in danger. Due to warming te... 詳情News feed:Locusts — unwelcome bonuses
【明報專訊】SWARMS of locusts (蝗蟲) are paying visits to East African countri... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. False
2. True
3. False
[Smarties' Power English 第...
Comic:Interesting streets in Hong Kong
【明報專訊】Despite his failure last week, Eason decides to challenge the Sm... 詳情相關新聞