Road to 5**﹕Gender imbalance in mainland China

[2019.04.01] 發表

【明報專訊】◆Source A

Gender ratio by age group in mainland China in 2010 (see picture)

◆Source B

Changes in the gender ratio in different Chinese provinces (see table)

■Questions and answering guidelines

1. Identify the factors in the deterioration of gender imbalance in China.

Government policies

In normal circumstances, couples living in urban areas could only have one child, otherwise they would be punished. The family that had more than one child had to pay a fee to the government for "raising the children". Although the mainland authorities implemented the "two-child policy" in 2016, gender imbalance is still a serious problem affecting the generation born in the 1990s and the 2000s.

Cultural factors

Traditionally China is a nation of agriculture. Having offspring is related to maintaining the productivity of a family. This, together with the idea of continuing a family over generations, means that the idea of favouring males over females still takes hold in regions such as Chaozhou and Shantou. Furthermore, the restrictions imposed by the one-child policy made it common for mainland couples to have an abortion after learning the gender of a foetus.

Technological factors

Since the mid-1980s, the mass-introduction of imaging equipment into China has allowed couples to identify the gender of a foetus and choose to have an abortion when they learn that they are expecting a girl. This has resulted in a gradual rise in the gender ratio since the mid-1980s, which has exceeded the normal value.

2. Identify the negative consequences of exacerbating gender imbalance.

Impacts on marriages

As people find it harder to find a marriage partner, traditional familial and social stability is threatened. Those who are in lower social strata will experience even greater difficulty getting married, triggering others social phenomena .

Impacts on female employment

Gender imbalance in China will worsen the imbalance in the labour market and affect the economic development of the country.Mainland males seldom have to sacrifice their working hours for family and children. In a society with more males than females, this might further increase the male working force, putting further pressure on female employment.

Hampering population growth

Population growth will be affected by a shrinking female population.

Text:徐溯, liberal studies teacher at Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui College

Translation: Terence Yip

[通通識 第576期]

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