Hard to be a ''man''
【明報專訊】In Iran, women have been banned from attending men's football matches since 1979. In order to support their favourite team, five women disguised themselves as men so they could sneak into a football match in defiance of the country's strict Islamic law.
They wore fake beards, wigs and men's clothing to fool the security guards and successfully entered Azadi Stadium. They even filmed themselves sitting deep in the stands and surrounded by men. In the video, they sang along with other football fans, witnessing their local team Persepolis being crowned champion. The video and photos have gone viral on social media.
It was not the first time it had happened. Last year, another group of women attempted to disguise themselves but were detained during a soccer match at Azadi Stadium. Government officials said the women were not arrested, and were released after they were transferred to what a ministry spokesman described as a "proper place".
(Sources: Ming Pao, Dailymail, Mirror)
■English highway﹕fool
Fool can be used as a verb. It means to trick someone into believing something that is not true.
e.g. Don't be fooled by his appearance.
He's actually a kind man.
■Game 1
In order to look like a man, MoMo has to put on something. Connect the dots and find out what it is.
■Game 2
Below is MoMo's wardrobe. Match the following items with their names by following the ghost legs.
(Answers on next text)
defiance (n) 違抗
wig (n) 假髮
surround (v) 包圍
detain (v) 拘留
[Smarties' Power English 第218期]