放眼世界:Kon ni chi wa!

[2017.03.27] 發表

【明報專訊】Kon ni chi wa! I'm an exchange student from Nagano Prefecture, Japan. I have lived in Hong Kong for six months and will stay here for another four.

There are many Japanese restaurants (e.g. Genki Sushi) in Hong Kong. Some people may think it is easy for Japanese students to live in Hong Kong, but I have had to overcome many difficulties.

English is a huge wall

Language is a huge wall to me. If you have been in Japan, you may know few Japanese speak English. Hong Kong students read, listen to, write and speak English much better than I expected. I was once in trouble. Because I am an exchange student, my teachers and my classmates expect me to help my classmates to improve their English. But I cannot do that! My classmates' English is much better than mine! I feel I'm under huge pressure.

Fortunately, my classmates are very kind and have helped me a lot in class. I really enjoy classes and club activities in school. My classmates are my best friends now. They always give me great support! I love them so much!

文: Mizuho Kase

[通通識 第448期]

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