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(photo 10)


 Quiz:Domestic & global issues (January)

■Domestic issues

1. Where will the Hong Kong/Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park be built?

A. Kwu Tung North

B. Yuen Long

C. Lo Wu

D. Lok Ma Chau Loop

2. Who of the following is not a candidate (參選人) in the next Chief Executive election?

A. Regina Ip

B. C Y Leung

C. Woo Kwok-hing

D. John Tsang

3. Who was appointed as the new Chief Secretary for Administration after Carrie Lam had resigned?

A. Lau Kong-wah

B. Ceajer Chan

C. Matthew Cheung

D. Paul Chan

4. Controversy arose after the government failed to consult the public on the decision of building the ____ at the West Kowloon Cultural District.

A. Hong Kong Palace Museum

B. Hong Kong Arts Museum

C. Hong Kong Cultural Museum

D. Hong Kong History Museum

5. In the latest Policy Address, the government proposes to re-develop the ____ into convention and exhibition venues, recreation and sports facilities and other community facilities.

A. Hong Kong Stadium

B. Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground

C. Southorn Playground

D. Wan Chai Sports Ground

■Global issues

6. Which of the following countries' residents were not targeted by Donald Trump's travel ban?

A. Iran (伊朗)

B. Egypt (埃及)

C. Syria (敘利亞)

D. Sudan (蘇丹)

7. The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting took place between 17 and 20 January in _____, Switzerland.

A. Geneva (日內瓦)

B. Zurich (蘇黎世)

C. Davos (達沃斯)

D. Bern (伯恩)

8. Emperor Akihito of Japan is planning to abdicate on _______, 2019.

A. January 1

B. February 1

C. March 1

D. April 1

9. Who won the men's singles title in the Australian Open 2017, the first tennis Grand Slam event of the year?

A. Roger Federer

B. Stan Wawrinka

C. Grigor Dimitrov

D. Rafael Nadal

10. Before he left office, former US President Barack Obama awarded a President Medal of Freedom with Distinction (傑出總統自由勳章) to _______. (See photo 10)

A. Michelle Obama

B. Joe Biden

C. Donald Trump

D. Hillary Clinton

◆Please find the answers on our Facebook page: www. facebook.com/mingpaoeducation

Quiz:Domestic & global issues (January)



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