放眼世界:My second family in Switzerland
【明報專訊】I am an exchange student from Hong Kong in Switzerland. Now I am living in a Swiss city named Frauenfeld with Enrico and Barbara, my host parents and Andrina, their daughter.
Their lifestyle is very different from that of my family in Hong Kong. They treat communication as a very important part of their lives, so we are not allowed to use cell phones while we are eating. Instead, we talk to each other about what happened during the day. That makes me reflect on what I did while I ate with my family.
Love with care and patience
They treat me as a real family member. They really touch my heart. When I did not understand what they were talking about, they would repeatedly explain it to me with patience, even though Barbara cannot speak good English.
The most memorable moment I have had these few months was Barbara's birthday. On that day, many guests came to our home. I took care of them and served them. After the meal, I helped cleaning up and they appreciated that. Enrico said that was his best experience ever.
I believe this exchange year will be the most memorable and meaningful experience I will ever had. Both my second family and myself are learning a lot from each other. The most important thing is: I am sure once I go back to Hong Kong, I will treat my family in the best way I could.
text:Lau Man Ki