Break time:Berries

[2016.11.23] 發表


1. Grapes are botanically categorised as berries. They are ____ in vitamins C and K, but don't eat too many of them at once because they are laxative!

4. Bananas are berries in the botanical _____, as are cucumbers, which come from flowers having each only one ovary (子房).

5. The pomegranate is a berry native to _____ (伊朗) and northern India.

6. Botanically, tomatoes and aubergines (茄子) are berries rather than __________.


2. Despite their names, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries and raspberries are not ___________ as berries in botany.

3. Blackcurrants and redcurrants are small _____ berries often used to make jam, tarts and pies!

■ Glossary

botanical (adj) 植物學的

laxative (adj) 通便的

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