(P4-5)Sports feature﹕Rising tennis star
[2016.09.14] 發表
【明報專訊】Bill and MoMo challenge Pat to a game of doubles tennis. But Pat teams up with Candy Wai, one of Hong Kong's up-and-coming tennis stars!
◆(P2)Spotlight﹕Red-eared sliders
◆(P3)World:Mayor bans Pokémon GO in town
◆(P6)Culture:Gestures for numbers
◆(P8)Readers' corner﹕Contribution wanted!
《Smarties Power English Vol 158 》
Spotlight﹕Red-eared sliders
【明報專訊】On August 17, a lifeguard working at Approach Beach in Sham Tsen... 詳情World﹕Mayor bans Pokémon GO in town
【明報專訊】Pokémon GO, the augmented reality (AR,擴增實境) game jointly develop... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. c
2. False
3. monitor
4. It is because any person w...
Sports feature:Candy Wai aims at Grand Slams
【明報專訊】Tennis is commonly believed to have originated from a crude cour... 詳情相關新聞