【明報專訊】The Incident Since a deranged (神經錯亂的) Manila policeman went on a killing spree massacring Hong Kong people on a tourist coach three years ago, disputes between our city and the Philippines have remained unsettled. Though the Manila City Council has voted to apologise to the victims, the Philippine national government remains steadfast that it won't do the same. It has not paid them any compensation. When meeting with Hong Kong Chief Executive C Y Leung some time ago, Philippine President Benigno Aquino III (菲律賓總統阿基諾三世) arranged for him to cram on a sofa with two other Hong Kong officials, in a breach of diplomatic protocol (外交禮節). Now Hong Kong people are being impatient. Some are demanding that our government impose sanctions (制裁) on the country by denying domestic helpers visas or banning the import of its goods. Not every stakeholder in our city agrees to these measures, however.