• 2024.05.29

Talk of the town:Greening Hong Kong

[2024.05.29] 發表
A wall tree in Bonham Road was removed on 13 May due to potential risks of collapse.

【明報專訊】The banyan tree (垂葉榕) planted by former Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten in Wan Chai in 1993, has been removed due to its deteriorating health condition and potential risks.

The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) posted a notice on the trunk, stating that while the tree did not pose an immediate danger of collapse, it presented potential risks. To ensure public safety, the tree was removed at the end of April.

Ken So, the Chief Executive of The Conservancy Association (長春社), a local non-governmental organization that focuses on environmental policies, stated that the tree was nearing the end of its life. While its removal was understandable, the relevant authorities should take this opportunity to increase awareness of and knowledge about trees. The LCSD explained that the banyan tree had shown abnormal leaf shedding since the powerful Typhoon Saola struck in 2023, and it is suspected to have been affected by fungal infection.

Tree management in Hong Kong

Trees offer a greener, more pleasant environment, yet they can also pose hidden dangers to the crowded cityscape. Despite the establishment of a specialized tree management department in Hong Kong, the existence of various stakeholders has made resolving tree-related issues challenging.

Private households and several government departments hold private rights over certain trees, leading to a complex situation. For instance, the responsibility for trees in public parks lies with the LCSD, while the Highways Department (路政署) is accountable for trees along highways. The division of responsibilities among different stakeholders creates difficulties in coordinating efforts, making decisions, and effectively managing trees.

The importance of tree in our way of life

Trees play a vital and indispensable role in providing us with clean and breathable air. Through the process of photosynthesis, they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, acting as natural air purifiers. Their presence, especially in urban areas, significantly contributes to improving air quality by filtering out pollutants and creating a healthier environment for us to breathe in.

Besides, trees of historical value in Hong Kong also hold a unique significance as they embody our collective memory. They serve as living monuments, connecting us to our heritage and reminding us of our shared history.

■Grammar Booster

Indispensable (adj)

Something or someone that is indispensable is so good or important that you could not manage without it, him, or her.

E.g. This book is an indispensable material for our group project.

■Gear up

The Conservancy Association is a government department. (True/False)

(Answer on next text)


collapse (n) 倒塌

abnormal (adj) 異常的

accountable (adj) 對……負責

monument (n) 紀念碑

(Criticisms on this publication, if any, are aimed at pointing out the errors or defects of certain systems or policies with a view to rectifying or eradicating such errors or defects, as well as prompting improvement or remedy for them via lawful means. There is absolutely no intention of inciting hatred, discontent or hostility towards the government or other classes of the community.)

[Smarties' Power English 第411期]

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